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This is one of the well-known trading companies in UAE. Basic modules include sales enquiry registration, system estimation, quotation release advice, internal job order and cost budget. In sales enquiry registration enquiry can come through email or fax. System estimation normally requires design manager approval and it displays cost estimation up to direct expenses. In quotation release advice finance manager adds overhead expenses and profit margin and it requires approval of technical director. Internal job order is generally issued by the administration department. Cost budget are prepared automatically on the basis of targeted cost for each cost center.

General modules include bill of quantity, material requisition, purchase requisition, supplier quotation, purchase order and request for inspection. Bill of quantity displays the master list of all items with total quantity required for delivering the project. Material requisition are prepared on the basis of bill of quantity. Purchase requisition are generally designed for purchase department for the procurement of budgeted items not available in stock. Supplier quotations are generally the inviting quotations from the suppliers. Purchase order are basically sent to the suppliers and its status is updated on the basis of goods receipt note. In request for inspection supplier sends their goods with reference to delivery order. Generally the store create request for inspection with reference to purchase order issued.
There are various other modules like request for delivery inspection, delivery order, sales invoice and job closure. The request for delivery inspection are prepared on the basis of completed items which are ready for dispatch. 

Delivery order are prepared on the basis of delivery type and delivery area. Sales invoice are generally prepared on the basis of agreed payment terms. Job closure generally prepares final sales invoice on the basis of project completion. There are also few job costing components like revenue, material, labor and other expenses. The revenue module consists of options like proforma invoice, invoicing, credit notes, job closure and performance guarantees. Proforma invoice is prepared by pulling SEQ. Invoicing is generally done on the basis of agree payment terms. Credit note are generally the documents that are created for credit note. Job closure are created on the basis of cost absorption and revenue realization. Performance guarantee are created on the basis of bank guarantee and guarantee cheques. The material module is generally used by operation department, procurement and stores department. The labor module is generally used by operation department and HR department. The other expense module are generally created for galvanizing subcontracts and are used by operation department and technical department.