This Client is one of a superior International Merchandise Trading company in the UAE, and established themselves as a wholesale and involves in the purchases of raw materials in bulk from other Multinational manufacturing companies or directly from the farms or agents. FactsERP is deployed as an efficacious and suitable solution by the client for Controlling/Monitoring their wholesale international business operations.
FactsERP solution provides an infallible Integration to manage their Procurement process, Sales Orders, inventory based Delivery Orders and Financial Payment/Receipts. The Purchase Transaction Cycle includes Vendor Offer (VO), Purchase Order (PO) and Purchase Invoice (PI). Suppliers Quotation are entered as and when an offer is given by a supplier. Based on the purchase contract made, the necessary negotiations are done.
One key feature integrated in this Resource Management tool is, it provides a Daily, Weekly & Monthly Consolidated Report (components). This includes Purchases Report, Sales Report and Store Details, which are also maintained within the same system. A Joint Venture Sales mainly involves a partnership with a customer to perform sales operations. Every Purchases and Selling Expenses are based on Share Profit. Advance payments can be done by the Joint Venture partner with whom they are dealing with.
Address and contact
201 & 202, Mohd Malik & Sons Raffa Building
Opposite Aster Clinic Jubilee Complex, Burdubai, Makani 28163 94769.
Khalid bin Al Waleed Road, PO Box 66135, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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