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This clients’ mainline is to cater to an Exclusive Market and is one of a leading Trading Company in the UAE. FactsBMS is proven to be a reliable solution to monitor and control their Trading activities.

FactsBMS is developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as the Front-End and MS SQL Server as backend database engine. The Order Processing system is sophisticated with Purchase and Sales Cycles. The Purchases are categorized into two forms: Stock Purchase and Consignment Purchase. The Delivery Orders are created automatically after scanning the invoiced items along with discrepancy reporting. Task Management helps to assign tasks to users and keeps track of the progress till the completion. Physical Stock Comparison and the verification with automatic adjustment entry is maintained within the Resource Management Solution. At the Security level the End-user security credentials are managed and controlled centrally.

This ERP solution provides an enhanced feature/facility for Easy Returns and Exchange. Transfer Transaction provides the transaction for Location/Outlet change. While procuring of goods, the Barcode facility helps to print the finished goods serial number