A reputed leader in trading fresh fruits and vegetables in the UAE, focusing on import from US, Europe and Indian sub-continent, deployed FactsERP to progress at a phenomenal pace in their wholesale activities.
FactsERP is developed using Microsoft .Net framework with SQL Server to run on database backend engine. Purchases workflow process is categorized into three phases namely Direct Purchase (DP), Local Purchase (LP) and Import Purchase (IP). These are classified based on where the purchase was obtained. Direct purchase displays the total number of stock items that were purchased directly from the management. Local purchase details are prepared for goods purchased locally with in the same country. Import purchase displays the list of goods that were purchased from some other country.
FactsERP also has various additional features such as stock adjustment and stock transfer voucher. Stock adjustment is used if there is any extra physical stock added in warehouse. Stock transfer voucher is basically created when the stock is transferred to respective delivery locations. The sales transaction is either done by cash payment or on credit bases. This client is also known for their footprints in importing products of categories such as personal care, beverages and other household items.
Address and contact
201 & 202, Mohd Malik & Sons Raffa Building
Opposite Aster Clinic Jubilee Complex, Burdubai, Makani 28163 94769.
Khalid bin Al Waleed Road, PO Box 66135, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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