This Dubai based trading company requires and ERP that provides software system to handle Commission, Consignment, Batch, Statement of sales proceed, Recoverable expenditure, Loading & unloading, miscellaneous charges, Normal weight loss, Cleaning expense, Customs duty, Shipment expense, Cold storage expense, Refining & repair expense, Container transport charges, Depreciation, Advertisements and visibility charges, Gift and voucher expense, Pallet and crates expense, Municipality expense, Pest control, motor maintenance and repair.
All of these features were added to their ERP systems to consolidate and quickly manage all in and outs of their business operations.
Address and contact
201 & 202, Mohd Malik & Sons Raffa Building
Opposite Aster Clinic Jubilee Complex, Burdubai, Makani 28163 94769.
Khalid bin Al Waleed Road, PO Box 66135, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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