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This is one of the well-known electrical device trading company in UAE. Basic modules include purchase order, goods receipt note and purchase invoice. The purchase order is generally prepared on the basis of confirmed orders of the supplier. Goods receipt note is basically prepared on the basis of barcode scanning with reference to purchase order. Purchase invoice is generally prepared with reference to goods receipt note and released purchase order for handling account payables.


General modules include sales order and delivery order. Sales order is generally prepared on the basis of customer order and it basically displays delivery area and contact details. Delivery order are basically prepared on the basis of barcode scanning of QAK label with reference to matching sales order.


There are various other modules like sales invoice and put away. Sales invoice are generally prepared with reference to sales order when items are ready for delivery. Put away is basically a warehouse document that is generally prepared for allocating the bin location to a laptop serial number of QAK label.