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This client is one of the leading construction company in the UAE, globally known for undertaking super high-rise and innovative projects. To gravitate towards the finest form in terms of quality they were in search of having a reliable software solution. They have multi diversified procurement practices for different type of building materials from the competitive market. FactsERP identified as the appropriate solution to match their requirements.


FactsERP is the flagship software solution of Facts Computer Software House, Dubai. The tools used to developed FactsERP are .Net framework with MS SQL server to run as database backend engine. Some of the core modules developed in FactsERP are Job Registration (JR), Equipment Request (ER), Equipment Engagement (EE), Equipment Status(ES) and Time Sheets (TS).


FactsERP has a tightly integrated finance module with inventory management module which includes purchase of raw materials and material issue voucher (MIV). Material issue voucher displays the issued spare parts from the inventory as per the request received from maintenance department. Purchase module displays increased stocks and additional cost. Equipment reservation on approval by system will post a material issue voucher for available quantity and create a material requisition.