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A well-known leading firm in the UAE that deals with paint products, and caters to exclusive markets deployed FactsBMS to maintain and monitor their operations effectively. They offer a full range of products in the field of decorative paints, which includes water based paints, solvent based paints and solvent free coating. FactsBMS provides a sophisticated solution to manage their overall services efficiently and reliably.

FactsBMS was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6 for its user interface with SQL Server to run as backend database engine. The core modules include Sales Enquiry, Sales Quotation, Sales Order, Sales Invoice and Sales Return. Sales Enquiry is generally received from the customer. The enquiry can either come through email or fax. Sales Quotation is generally prepared on the basis of sales enquiry. Sales Order is generally placed on the confirmation of client. Sales Invoice basically shows reduced stock prices and updated accounts. Sales Return depends on sales invoice.

FactsBMS includes additional modules such as Purchase Order, Goods Receipt Note, Purchase Invoice, Service Contracts, Service Work Order and Service Invoice. Purchase department releases the Purchase Order. There might be a cash purchase for which purchase order might not be prepared. Purchase Invoice job number is uniquely identified for job expenses and direct job purchases. Service Contracts are created for a specific period. The service work order is created for each service call log. This is handed over to an engineer/technician. The Service Invoice is prepared for the job as per the agreed terms or as per the contract terms.