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A leading Corporate in UAE, branded through their Design, Promotional items, Web and Social Media Marketing company procured FactsERP – An Enterprise Resource Planning Software Solution to streamline their Business activities.

This Business Management Software is developed using latest Microsoft.NET framework, with Microsoft SQL Server as the backend database Engine. Reporting Modules are developed using SAP Crystal Reports/Microsoft Office tools. FactsERP includes featured modules such as Account Receivables, Account Payable, Inventory and Stock Management, Job Costing and CRM Pre Sales module. Inventory and stock modules include liquidation statement details such as consignment purchase quantity, damage quantity, recoverable expenses, sales invoice total and sales commission are prepared on sales proceeds (SOSP).

Apart from the Core modules there are other optional modules like Fixed Asset Management and HR/Payroll Management. Petty Expenses are recorded in books of accounts once the balance is closed for each day. Fixed Assets Management helps to keep track on the company’s assets for any wear and tear or the depreciation of assets.