Since Tatmeen’s first major deadline has just passed – Dec 13, 2022 – I believe now is the ideal time to discuss some interesting Tatmeen facts for those who are curious. We have discussed here how the whole tatmeen process works in detail.
What is Tatmeen track and trace?
In June 2021, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) initiated the Tatmeen project. It is made to safeguard public health by tracing and tracking pharmaceuticals and medical equipment at every stage of the supply chain. Tatmeen will use unique serialized GS1 barcodes (2-D matrix) to provide details on the products’ expiration date, safety, and authenticity. Along with the MOHAP, three other organizations from UAE are also part of Tatmeen.
Dubai Health Authority: The “entire health sector” in Dubai is governed by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), which also encourages cooperation with the commercial sector. Tatmeen will be integrated with DHA’s electronic medical record (EMR) and incorporate its medical supplies management system.
Department of Health – Abu Dhabi: They will guarantee the Emirate of Abu Dhabi’s entire healthcare excellence.
EVOTEQ – They are the digital transformation partner for the Tatmeen project.
GS1 UAE – Due to GS1 standards serving as the foundation for the UAE Tatmeen track and trace system, which involves GS1 UAE as well. GS1’s BrandSync platform is utilized as the main reporting repository.
What is the goal that Tatmeen is aiming for?
Transparency: Increase the pharmaceutical supply chain’s transparency, security, and reliability, while lowering the number of fake and subpar drugs.
Realtime-data: Real-time reports of drug supply movements, unauthorized medicines, and expired drugs can be used to identify batches of medicinal products and recall them.
Governments’ visibility: It makes it possible for the government to track the supply-chain movement of medicines that have been approved by the government.
Medicines’ safety: It enables the fast withdrawal of medicines and is used to identify fake and counterfeit drugs as well as to prevent reimbursement fraud.
Global standards: Establish the UAE as a pioneer in the world for advanced pharmaceutical safety solutions. Also, interoperability with foreign governments is made possible through the GS1 serialization standards.
The deadlines
As of now, the following were the important deadlines:
Manufacturers and marketing authorization holders (MAH) had until December 13, 2021, to register with the BrandSync platform and begin using the 2D data matrix codes.
By the latest past deadline on December 13, 2022, all the supply chain parties were required to provide serial number reporting, aggregation, and Global Location Numbers (GLNs).
Final remarks
With the Tatmeen track and trace process, UAE’s mission to safeguard the public’s health, happiness, safety, and reliability takes a forward leap. The approaching deadlines are intended for the remaining supply chain participants to take part in the tatmeen process.
We are here to assist you, help you in understanding its significance, and respond to your inquiries. We are the leading software developing company in UAE with over 20 years of experience. We helped multiple clients of ours in the Pharmaceutical industry with tatmeen onboarding by meeting all the tatmeen requirements thanks to our middleware FactsTT.